Buying a Colorqube Copier

Are you looking to buy a Xerox Colorqube Copier?

For those in the Sacramento area looking to buy a Xerox Colorqube 9301, Colorqube 9302 or Colorqube 9303 …  the big reason is generally the method of billing that comes with these copiers.  Multi tier billing can be super nice, especially how the spot color can be billed at the black and white rates.  What this means for most Sacramento companies is that for color about the size of your thumb, you will only be billed the black and white rates.  When some companies charge $.08 per color print, this could mean a savings of $.065 or more per color print.  Multiply that by 1,000 copies a month and we are talking about saving $65 a month!

Give us a call for a copier quote today, especially the Colorqube copiers by Xerox
